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                更新时间:2024-06-15 06:03:54

                  1、演唱:The Innocence Mission

                  2、If you miss the train I'm on如果你错过了我坐的那班火车

                  You will know that I am gone你应♂明白我已离开

                  You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声

                  A hundred miles, a hundred miles一百英里,一百英里

                  A hundred miles, a hundred miles一百英里,一百英里

                  You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声

                  Lord I'm one, lord I'm two上帝啊,一百英里,两百英里

                  lord I'm three, lord I'm four上帝啊,三百英里,四百英里

                  Lord I'm five hundred miles away from home上帝啊,我已离家五百英里

                  Away from home,  Away from home离开家啊,离开家啊

                  Away from home, Away from home离开家啊,离开家啊

                  Lord I'm five hundred miles away from home上帝啊,我已离家五百英里

                  Not a shirt on my back我衣衫褴褛

                  Not a penny to my name我一文不名

                  Lord I can't go a-home this a-way上帝啊,我不能这样回→家

                  This a-way, this a-way这个样,这个样

                  This a-way, this a-way这个样,这个样

                  Lord I can't go a-home this a-way上帝啊,我不能这样回家

                  If you miss the train I'm on如果你错过了我坐的那班火车

                  You will know that I am gone你应明白我已离开

                  You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声

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